Southeastern North Carolina Watermelon Festival

North Carolina Watermelon Queen
Leslie Nicole Harris

  Those who know Nicole know her best as a sweet, intelligent, talented, and outgoing young lady.  Nicole is very outgoing in her community because she participates in many activities which include her school, church, local organizations, the Special Olympics, and of course being the WATERMELON QUEEN!  She is the reigning North Carolina Watermelon Queen. At this time, she is holding the Southeastern North Carolina Watermelon Queen title until she can crown Watermelon Queen 1999.  She will go to California to compete for the National Title in February of 2000. She is the fifth watermelon queen sponsored by our Association and Festival that has won the State Title.

    One of the special features about Nicole that can be recognized when you first meet her, is her cute "DIMPLES"!  That is probably the nickname that the Festival Founders, A.J. and Monroe would have given her.  Every Southeastern NC Watermelon Queen always had a nickname...Nicole's would probably be "DIMPLES".

    The Fair Bluff Watermelon Growers Association and the County of Columbus are very proud of Nicole and her accomplishments that she has made.  Nicole is as sweet as the melons' that she represents and her reign as Queen has made a big impact on the people around her.
